We are in the thick of summer and I have to say I love it. It is my favourite time of year. Now that our girls are older, it seems there is more time, as I no longer have the joy/responsibility of catering to their needs. I do love it though when they are home and want to hang out with us old folks. 😉 Isn’t it interesting how we spend so many years looking forward to little moments of ‘me time’, just to spend later years yearning to go back to those busy years of raising kids? I guess you could say I am clinging on to all of the moments we get to share. I’m also trying to make more comfort foods like these Tempeh and Cheese Quesadillas to keep them close!
We have been making a concerted effort to celebrate friends and family this summer. It has been an interesting past two years and no one knows what will be coming down the pike this fall, so it’s all about the present for us these days. With entertaining comes food preparation and lots of different tastes, ages, allergies and preferences to work around! Though I love having people over, I don’t always look forward to spending the day in the kitchen in preparation! A couple of weeks ago I had a “Ladies Day” and just last night we had a family over with 6 kids… These are perfect times to have finger foods that are filling and tasty and recognizable! I served these Tempeh and Cheese Quesadillas on both occasions and twice they were a hit.
Why should you try these Quesadillas instead of real meat and cheese Quesadillas?
These Tempeh and Cheese Quesadillas are quick to make and taste ooey good just like a regular quesadilla, but without the cholesterol and animal cruelty that is part and parcel of regular cheese. (Did you know that baby calves are taken away from their mothers, who love them, in order for humans to have the milk that is made into cheese?) If you would like to learn more about the drawbacks of dairy in this 2 minute video, I encourage you to press play!
Now, don’t get me wrong, vegan cheeses are not exactly a health food. However, if they provide you with the texture and flavour that you are missing, helping you eat more whole foods and less animal products, then indulging occasionally is okay.
There are many types of vegan cheeses and right now my favourite is Daiya. I didn’t used to be a fan, but it seems things have changed. Daiya is very tasty and it melts, just like regular cheese.

I hope this recipe helps to make your summer picnic or pool party lunches simple and tasty!