A few short years ago, I didn’t even know what Seitan was. Now I am enjoying it as a fun addition to plant-based eating. Seitan is a versatile meat alternative, originally from Asia, which is thousands of years old. It is often confused with being a soy product, but it is simply made from wheat gluten, water and spices. My daughter and I love a dish at Naked Cafe, (a local vegan restaurant), and I wanted to try to recreate it. So, here goes… My Buffalo Seitan with Chickpeas, Coconut Rice and Kale Caesar Salad.
What the heck is Seitan?
Seitan, pronounced (say-TAN), is a nutritious food comprised of wheat gluten. It is made to simulate the texture and consistency of meats such as chicken, sausage or ribs. When people change their diets from a meat centered diet to a plant-based one, it can be nice to incorporate a food that satisfies that protein craving and helps them avoid eating meat. Seitan can help fill that void.
Seitan is made using no oil or sugar. Other than vital wheat gluten, it contains simple, everyday ingredients. There are numerous ways to make it. This one is fun and easy! It’s similar to making bread, in that you mix the dough and knead it. Then unlike bread making, you cut it into pieces and cook it. It is simple, quick and entertaining to make. I imagine it would be especially fun to make with kids!
Is vital wheat gluten healthy? I thought gluten was bad?
Seitan, comprised of primarily wheat gluten, is very high in protein and very low in fat. It contains about 100 calories and 21 grams of protein per 3 ounce serving. Its protein content is slightly higher than chicken. Seitan is excellent for people without gluten sensitivity. According to Dr. Michael Greger, the science based plant-based expert of NutritionFacts.org, 99.3% of people are not gluten sensitive. Therefore, there is a very high probability that you are not affected by gluten. ;) Though gluten continues to be demonized in the media, it is neither a dangerous, nor unhealthy food, unless of course, your body doesn’t tolerate it. Are beans better for you? Sure, but let’s have a little fun here! You can watch a one minute video about the nutritional qualities of seitan here and read more about it in this article.
I would like to show you a quick and easy way to make homemade Seitan! So let’s begin!
If you would like to add Kale Caesar Salad to this dish, you will need my Kale Caesar Dressing recipe.

Seitan can also be cooked in an InstaPot instead of boiled on the stove. Cook it on the high pressure setting for 15 minutes and let cool.