The Okanagan is a magical place with prime land for growing produce! We, a group of dedicated volunteers run a not for profit vegetable garden here in Kelowna. All of our produce is donated to local agencies to help people fill their bellies and elevate their health.
This garden is operating its second season as “The Vibrant Veggie Garden”. We are a project in conjunction with the Central Okanagan Food Bank. Last season was our best ever! We donated 15,000 pounds of food to 13 organizations helping hundreds if not thousands of people!
Now donors can donate directly to our garden project on the Central Okanagan Food Bank website and receive a tax receipt! If you are interested you can find the link here.
Click on the DONATE button, then choose the Vibrant Veggie Garden from the drop down list.
We continue to support small non-profits along with the Central Okanagan Food Bank, thanks to their generosity and mission to feed the valley.
Our produce is shared not only with the Central Okanagan Food Bank, but with organizations such as: Hands in Service, The Boy’s and Girl’s Club, YMCA programs, Gospel Mission, CMHA, Freedom’s Door, NOW Canada, Ozanam House, The Salvation Army, The Kelowna Women’s Shelter, Karis Support Society, Father Delestre Senior’s Home, Kelowna Community Fridge and Seniors Outreach, among others. We would love to help as many organizations as we can.
We encourage our clients and volunteers to come get their hands in the dirt, bring their families, learn about the nutritional benefits of plants, and take home produce! It is a rewarding, educational and healing way to spend some time.
If you are interested in finding out more, or joining us for a couple of hours, please send me an email at shauna@thevibrantveggie.com. I coordinate the vegetable garden and would love to put you on our email list. We generally meet Wednesday and Saturday mornings from 8:30-11 between April and October. Sometimes we switch it up or add days to the schedule. We have a ton of fun and we are spreading love through healthy food in the Okanagan Valley!
Ralph from Father Delestre Seniors Home. Rest in peace dear friend.
Lovely ladies giving back to the community!
Families working together to harvest.
Our Boys and Girls Club Summer Program- 6 weeks of learning all about growing and harvesting veggies!