Sailing away to learn!

by Shauna Gardiner

Happy Valentine’s Day!!  What a great day to launch my blog!  On a day when we celebrate our heart and all that lies close to it, why not focus on how to keep it healthy and beating strong! There is so much that we can do everyday, 3 times a day to keep our bodies in great shape.  Eat the rainbow, minimize processed foods, get good sleep, drink fresh filtered water, move your body and smile! Living this way has become my passion and I’m going to share with you recipes and educational information that I find helpful.  I hope you will enjoy my posts.  I would be honoured if you would sign up for email posts, follow my blog and my Facebook page. 😉

I am super excited to be heading off today to Florida to embark on the Holistic Holiday at Sea Caribbean Cruise.  This trip is unique because it is a Whole Food Plant Based Cruise!!  There are over 50 big name speakers such as T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Barnard, Rip Esselstyn, and Dr. Klaper to name a few.  There are over 150 lectures spanning from heart health to animal cruelty, meditation and yoga practices.  I couldn’t be more excited.  I told my travel mates they might have a hard time getting me out of the lecture halls!  Celebrity lecturers, 24 plant based chefs creating amazing meals, cooking classes and mindfulness education- what more could a veggie girl ask for?!

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1 comment

Joan McEwan February 14, 2018 - 9:12 pm

Yay Shauna! Lovely blog! Move over, Food Babe…..

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