Who doesn’t need a little comfort right now with all that is going on in the world!? There has been mass flooding in BC and due to the blockage of our supply routes, we are seeing panic shopping and the hoarding of food. I’m not sure what exactly people are thinking, but one thing is for sure, it is each man for himself out there today.
So why not make a comforting soup from simple foods you are likely to have in your house right now?

So, on to brighter topics! Let’s make our own personal impact on this whole climate change nightmare… One way we can do that is by refusing to eat animals and focusing on plant foods that will help us win this war against sickness. Why not thrive, instead of living in a state of “dis”ease? To do that we must bring our bodies into balance with nature and eat foods filled with life and energy. You are what you eat! Would you rather be a rotting piece of flesh or a fresh and full of life piece of produce?! 😉
I grew carrots in my garden this year and they turned out surprisingly well. In fact quite a few of them are still under the soil. They actually sweeten up in cold weather.
This soup is primarily carrots, lentils and onions so it is both filling and nutritious.
Carrots are: high in beta-carotene that turns into vitamin A in the body. Beta-carotene is a powerful natural antioxidant that protects the human body from harmful oxygen-derived free radicals. It also helps maintaining good eye health, reproductive health as well as maintaining of the quality of the epithelial cells.
Lentils are: filled with B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, and potassium. They are also a great source of fibre, iron and folate. Cheap to buy and easy to cook, lentils make the perfect addition to soups.
Onions are: a great source of fibre and prebiotics (food for your gut bacteria). They are high in antioxidants, vitamin C and are excellent at inhibiting the growth of bacteria.
This soup recipe is simple to make and you will likely have many, if not all, of the ingredients in your kitchen.
So, if it’s feeling like a soup day, I hope you try this one out and it heats up your belly!

www.thevibrantveggie.com If you are not blending the soup, make sure to finely mince the ginger root.
Got butternut squash you don’t know what to do with? This soup recipe is a nice option.