We all know the feeling of giving in to a craving for something sweet as a midday pick-me-up. It’s an annoying cycle. We want sugar… we eat sugar… we feel better for a short while… then we don’t feel so great anymore and we start looking for another way to feel better. I don’t know about you, but I get irritated by my own lack of self control.
By trading up for healthier, non-processed, whole foods when we crave sugar, we can change our cravings. It’s true. When we eat foods that contain fibre and not processed flours and sugars, our blood sugar levels are not spiked. Instead, glucose is released more steadily into the bloodstream. This is healthier for our body and easier on our organs.
What prompted this recipe?
Earlier this week I helped a dear friend who owns It’s A Bakery, here in our neighbourhood. She mentioned she had a big order and finally took me up on my offer to help bake and prepare salads. It was fun prepping food with a friend, and the time flew by.
She had me mixing up vegan, gluten free Coconut & Raspberry Almond Squares. Her requests for more diet specific items are on the rise, which is wonderful to hear. Making vegan desserts and prepping veggies – I was in my element. 😉
When I got home, I tweaked the recipe (that she had already majorly modified from the one she found) to make it even healthier. There is always more oil and sugar in items at a bakery. That is what pulls us in and keeps us coming back!
I love the ability to control ingredients in my own kitchen. This version of Coconut & Raspberry Almond Squares has minimal oil and sugar, with tons of flavour. It would be perfect midday with a cup of tea, or as an after dinner dessert. And, as a bonus, you don’t get the sugar crash that accompanies super sugary treats!
Why these Coconut & Raspberry Almond Squares are better for you than your average square:
- they contain 2 1/2 cups of fruit
- almond flour, which is ground almonds without the skins, forms the base instead of wheat flour
- flax eggs are used instead of real eggs
- there are only 2 tablespoons of maple syrup in the entire pan, as opposed to far too much processed sugar
- coconut flakes are high in minerals and fiber
- there are only 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in the entire pan
- applesauce is used instead of oil
- the chia seeds in the berry mixture add some omega-3’s
See what I am saying?? It’s like a salad! 😉
Can I make this gluten free, you ask?
There is some wheat bran added to the base of the square. However, these Coconut & Raspberry Almond Squares can easily be made gluten free simply by removing it.
Can I modify the berry layer?
I experimented with adding blueberries, cranberries and Saskatoon berries to the raspberry layer. Using frozen berries is economical and easy. Also, I compared lemon zest and juice to orange zest and juice. All options are tasty, so feel free to work with what you have in your kitchen. Our favourite was lemon with raspberries and Saskatoon berries.
A simple fruit, like an orange, when you crave sugar would be your best bet. You will find that after a couple of weeks of avoiding processed sweets, you will start to not crave them. But, when that just doesn’t seem like an option, these Coconut & Raspberry Almond Squares just might hit the spot!

www.thevibrantveggie.com If you would like a gluten free version, remove the wheat bran.