Last night a friend hosted a mom and teen get together with appetizers and wine. I promised her I would bring some cheezy goodness to win over some young teenage palates! My aim was to show the girls and their moms that delicious cheezyness can come in a dairy free version. The kids all know that I will have some “weird” dish to share but ironically the moms say they love trying what I make. I guess it’s always about what some one else’s mom prepares. 🙂 Hopefully one day my dishes will become the norm when society as a whole, realizes the pitfalls of consuming animal products.
I modified a couple of recipes I found online to come up with something that is plant-based, oil free and full of fibre and flavour. Many of these types of dishes have a cashew base, which is great unless you are watching your fat intake or have a nut allergy. I created this recipe using white beans instead of all cashews for the base. You could in fact take out all the cashews and use only beans if you prefer.
This recipe makes quite a good amount. As you will see from the photos, it made enough for a medium sized casserole dish and a small one. I left the small one at home for my family to devour and took the larger one to the party. I was already full when I left from sampling and making sure I got the recipe just right! The thing is, because it is so healthy, there really is no guilt. I hate it when I get a craving for something not so healthy and chow down on that before dinner! Like popcorn… Not that the right popcorn is that bad, but when you eat a large bag before dinner it can pose a problem! There is a new brand out now called 3 Nutritious Sisters that uses nutritional yeast and spices to make it cheezy… Oh lord, help me! I think I found it at Urban Fare.
I digress… this appetizer could be accompanied by bread, nacho chips, whole grain crackers or vegetables. Any way you dip it, it’s yummy! I like it best warmed up.